lauantai 24. syyskuuta 2011
Onnittelut agiliitotuloksesta Dixielle! (And news in English.)
Tänään ex-sijoituslikka, heeleri Dixie (Jazz Skunk Funk) kisasi elämänsä ensimmäiset agilitykisat HAU:n kisoissa Helsingissä. Hyppikseltä vitonen, rima tippui, sijoitus 9. Agilityradalta nolla, sijoitus 2! :) Osallistujia vähän vajaa 30. (Ainakin lähtölistojen perusteella, virallisia tuloksia en ole vielä nähnyt. ;) )
Ootte te huippuja!
Tuutikki toipui oksenteluistaan täysin, kontrollissa eilen ei mitään poikkeavaa. Helpotuksen huokaus. Pääsi eilen jo pidemmälle lenkille bortsujen kanssa ja nautti täysin siemauksin rallaamisesta.
Omien koirien terveystutkimustuloksia jäänyt kirjaamatta blogiin, jalostustietokannasta löytyvät (ja koirien omilta sivuilta blogista) jo. Kävimme silmäpeilauksissa kuun alkupuolella. Tuutikille tuli valitettavasti diagnoosiksi Sarkasen mukaan "lasiaishöytyviä ja lasiaisen nesteytyminen", Kennelliitto oli kirjoittanut diagnoosin muotoon "lasiaisen rappeuma: todettu". Raulla silmät kirkkaat ja polvet 0/0. Sentäs.
Briefly in English
Lancashire Heeler Dixie (Jazz Skunk Funk) had her first Agility competitions today. She did great! Jumping course 5 faults and 9th, and from Ag course she got her first 0 result and was 2th! You are great!
My Tuutikki had some problems with her health (severe vomiting) - but now she is okay. We spent one day at vet and she had every single test taken, nothing wrong with her blood values but something extra at her stomach which has gone by now. What a relief.
I had Tuutikki and Rauha checked early this month at eye specialist. Tuutikki had unfortunately diagnose as "vitreous degeneration". Just have to follow how situation develops, hopefully she has no problems even she has that diagnose! Rauha had clear eyes and her knees are 0/0 (clear.) I called to Finnish Kennel Club's vet about Rauha's hip result. She said that other hip is clearly loose but without arthritis. I still plan to have another x-rays taken from her hips some day, just to be sure. Now I just have to live with knowledge that she is unfortunately not going to be my Agility dog but there is some other things to do with her fortunately as she is so young and needs activity.
Some results: Karma is Lapland's Agility district champion! She also got her last Jumping certification from those competitions and is now Finnish Jumping Champion. Great! Karma's daughter Mandi was competing also at her district championships and was seventh there with clear runs and participating at team which was second there. Congratulations! Another daughter Tikki is competing at Agility class II, I have forgot to tell that in my blog. :)
I have to apologize my English once again - I know it is not even nearly perfect. But I know that there is few non-Finnish speaking readers so this is better than nothing, I think?
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