Minä olin agilitykisoissa vain talkoilemassa Pellossa, hienossa hallissa, jossa oma seura järjesti kisat pe-la. Siellä kisasi suvusta Karma ja Tikki. Karman menestys oli aika huikea, neljästä radasta kolmella nollavoitto, agi- ja hyppysertit! Onnea! Lisäksi tänään tuli tekstiviesti, että Mandi (Quasi Agitato) on siirtynyt kakkosluokkaan agilityssa. Aivan upeeta, onnea!
I was just doing some work at Agility competitions but there were Karma and Tikki competing. Karma had great time, she ran four competitions, won three of them and had Agility- and Jumping-certifications. :) I also had sms today that told me that Karma's girl Mandi (Quasi Agitato) had her third 0-result from Class one and she is competing from now on at Class II at Agility! Congratulations!
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